people begin the process of starting a book club with an
interest in books. But
how do you start a book club with children--as the main
participants--in mind.
It may seem daunting at first, but here are some good
questions to keep in your mind as you begin the process.
A great many book clubs and reading groups are formed
around a common theme.
Building your own children's book club may open a
whole new world of friends and possibility for your child as
well as other people's children.
Here are a few questions to guide your thinking:
I want my
child to be in a book club or does my child
want to be in a book club?
my child is interested in joining a book club, who are
the other children (and their parents) that I should
invite to join?
are the adults that will be reading along with the
children and guiding them? Remember, children love
consistency and having just one or two adult leaders
providing a level of comfort to insure the safe exchange
of ideas is crucial.
Also, book clubs are not necessarily academic but
belonging to a children's book club should communicate
that reading good books and the sharing of the ideas
that those books generate can be fun.
types of books will the club primarily read?
Non-fiction? Biographies?
Classics? Sports?
(Yes, children's fiction can have a genre and
is the minimum and maximum number of children to make
the group run smoothly? Keep your meeting space in mind
when you consider this question.
time parameters for meeting: How long will you meet?
How often? What
seasons and months should you avoid?
will you select new members to join the group?
your local newspaper or library offer a children's book
club? If
so, you may want to piggyback your selections with
all parents, you want what is best for your child.
The average child is naturally inquisitive, easy to
get a long with, and likes a challenge.
However, understanding what a child wants can be a
daunting task. Ask
your child what he or she would like to get out of a reading
club. Keep them
in the process because the more they are invested in the
idea of the club, the more you will see them own it.
Setting your child off on an odyssey that promotes
reading as a journey rather than something they "have
to do for school," to be shared rather than just a
solitary endeavor, the better for all of you.
You will be promoting a life-long learner and reader.
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Book Club
Looking for some inspiration
for your next book club selection? We've got some
suggestions for you.
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